
速報ガイド2012 page 26/58


このページは 速報ガイド2012 の電子ブックに掲載されている26ページの概要です。

34応用編? 1 問10 点で、100 点満点となります。? 解答・解説は38 ~ 39 ページ。(  )に入る最も適切なものを選択肢から1 つ選んでください。文法問題1A: I’m getting hungry.B: ( ) ov....

34応用編? 1 問10 点で、100 点満点となります。? 解答・解説は38 ~ 39 ページ。(  )に入る最も適切なものを選択肢から1 つ選んでください。文法問題1A: I’m getting hungry.B: ( ) over there.a) There is a convenience store b) There is the convenience storec) The convenience store is d) That convenience store is2【教室で先生が生徒に向かって】Everyone, look at this graph. ( ).a) A famous scientist made it. b) A famous scientist made this graph.c) It was made by a famous scientist.d) This graph was made by a famous scientist.3A: Takeshi is a member of the marching band, right?B: Yes, but how did you know?A: I heard him ( ) the trumpet.a) to play b) plays c) played d) playing4A: You look sad. What happened?B: I failed the history exam. I ( ) more.a) am studying b) studied c) have studied d) should have studied英語力測定テスト文法問題 ? 5 問会話・表現問題 ? 5 問制限時間のめやす=5 分