
速報ガイド2013|NHK出版 page 35/74


このページは 速報ガイド2013|NHK出版 の電子ブックに掲載されている35ページの概要です。

359【ていねいに道順を尋ねたり、道案内ができる】A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the city library is?B: The city library? Oh, yes. Go straight along hereand t....

359【ていねいに道順を尋ねたり、道案内ができる】A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the city library is?B: The city library? Oh, yes. Go straight along hereand turn left into King’s Avenue. You can’t miss it.A: ( )B: No, it’s only about a ten minutes’ walk.a) Can I walk there easily? b) Is it far from here?c) Is it within walking distance? d) How long will it take?10【提案したり、提案を求めることができる】A: Do you have a book by Michael Johnson calledThe Age of Support?B: Just a moment. Let me see if we have it in stock.No, I’m afraid we don’t. ( )A: That’d be great, thanks. Could you contact me when you get it?B: Certainly. Could I have your name and address?a) I will deliver it.b) I could order it if you like.c) There have been a lot of orders for the book.d) I have just ordered the book.